Donate now and double your impact

Connect world class musicians directly to Juneau's students

Donate now and double your impact image


raised towards $25,000 goal




Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Connect world class musicians directly to Juneau's students

Double Your Donation, Double the Education

After perhaps the most varied Fall Festival to date, Zuill Bailey and I are looking forward to the Spring Festival and we hope you will join your friends and neighbors for more low-cost and free concerts next May. Every donation supports access to world-class music for everyone in Juneau, including educational experiences in every school.

The first $25,000 in gifts by the end of this year will be matched. But, this matching gift expires on December 31.

You have an opportunity to connect world-class musicians directly to Juneau's students. We reached more than 1,000 students last year through workshops, Q&As, and assemblies. Donate today and our matching grant will ensure your donation goes even further. You will not only bring live music to Juneau, but you will help create future generations of music lovers just like YOU.